he Foundation seeks to attract young people to the industry by promoting the high-tech, diverse and well-paying nature of careers in modern steelmaking.
When and Why was the Foundation Created?In 1981, the Iron & Steel Society launched the Foundation in recognition of the long-term significance of attracting new and more technologically oriented generations to the world of steel.
Who Owns the ISS Foundation?In many ways, the ISS Foundation belongs to the steel community. Officially, it is a Pennsylvania-based, 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation that is part of the Iron & Steel Society, an international professional and technical society of more than 8,500 members. A Board of Trustees composed of industry executives and noted academic leaders manages the Foundation’s affairs.
From the melt shop to the finishing stands, today’s iron and steel professionals face challenges that were unforeseen merely a decade ago. And tomorrow promises to bring even greater challenges. The ISS Foundation’s programs support the development of professionals who are prepared to meet these challenges.